Saturday, September 24, 2016


So I've been an insect lover ever since I could remember.  My Aunt would definitely agree to this! I used to terrorize her with all sorts of creepy crawlys.
It was a lot of fun...
Toads, rubber rats and plastic spiders worked just as good too.
I was such a naughty kid...
Well, since I've grown older I have been terrorized by some creepy insects myself of which I have grown to hate... yellow sac spiders, huge gangly spiders, centipedes and the worst of all...


yes... That is what I said. Ants. Chuckle all you want but these little critters have terrorized me since I was about 14...
It began one hot Summer day as my siblings and I were jumping off the bank into our creek. There was clumps of mud where we were standing and my brother decided it would be funny if he shoved one of those clumps of mud down the back of my swim suit. I remember looking at the mud where he grabbed the clump in attempt to get him back. But to my horror there was an army of ants swarming all over it! That's when I noticed the pinching in my swim suit.
I screamed my head off as i leaped into the water,  frantically trying to scoop the ant infested mud out of the back of my suit.
It took me a while to recover from that...
When my husband and I were first married we stayed with my parents until we finally got our house.
I was making my husband his lunch for work in the wee hours of the morning and felt pinching on my feet as I stood at the counter.
Rubbing my feet together I look down at my itching feet wondering why on earth they were so itchy... Lo and behold a pile of ants were attacking my feet! Either I got too close to the cracker they were taking apart or they decided their queen would find my feet quite delicious... I screeched as I hopped away from the pile of ants while trying to get them out from in between my toes...
Guess which movie came out when i was pregnant with my little guy?
Ant Man...
And I was already very sick on top of that... not such a great movie when you're unbelievably nauseous, having to throw up within every hour...
Well, I think you've got the picture of why ants are at the top of my scariest insects list... There are more stories of ants coming after me (they even haunt me in my dreams...), but those were the most horrifying...
What made me think of those stories was when I was feeding my little honey and there was an ant crawling on my arm! I yelped as I frantically batted it away, making my poor baby cry... which made me wonder why I am so scared of ants.
After recalling those terrifying moments I remembered why.

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