Saturday, September 24, 2016


So I've been an insect lover ever since I could remember.  My Aunt would definitely agree to this! I used to terrorize her with all sorts of creepy crawlys.
It was a lot of fun...
Toads, rubber rats and plastic spiders worked just as good too.
I was such a naughty kid...
Well, since I've grown older I have been terrorized by some creepy insects myself of which I have grown to hate... yellow sac spiders, huge gangly spiders, centipedes and the worst of all...


Friday, September 23, 2016

The Long Journey

We went to Our grandparents house (who live 2 1/2 hours away from us)  to show off the baby, since they hadn't seen our handsome little dude yet. :)
Lots of family were there too! And we were all having a great time!

The little monster emerged from that cute and cuddly baby!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Little Stinker

So... a bit of a mortifying moment happened one Sunday evening at church.
My husband and I and our little one arrive at church an hour early for choir practice.  Of course our little munchkin pants decides it is time for his dinner. So I head to the nursing room (which is also the accounting room...). There is a sliding wall that separates the room for privacy but it is not sound proof.

at all...