Monday, November 22, 2021

Chimes going south...

One Sunday evening I went to church by myself, leaving my man at home with the sickies.
The time came for me to direct chimes for the kids. They all got their chimes and got in place. We were about to begin and I was just getting them quiet when my lunch started making me very burpy... I tried to quietly stifle my burp but a tiny little burp escaped. It made some of the kids giggle saying "she burped! Hahaha!" I joined in their fun and joked back saying I could burp my ABC's if I wanted and could burp much louder than that. 

What a big mistake that was... 

The children then begged and begged me to burp as loud as I could... 
"Maybe I can use this as motivation..." I thought to myself. Much to their persuasion I decided that if they played their bells all the way through, perfectly, then I would oblige them with a loud burp. 
They agreed.
Our third time going through the song, trying hard to get it perfect, and them begging for me to burp, I decided they had done their best and gulped in a bunch of air and burped very loud for them as they were talking amongst themselves and showing eachother their own burping skills. They were thrilled and wanted to hear me do my ABC's while burping too.
Meanwhile, one of the boys, who had been goofing off all night, being so literal with everything I was saying to the point it was absolutely ridiculous, started pacing back and forth, gagging dramatically saying "I smell garlic!... Ugh... I'm gonna puke!" I of course thought he was being a ham again and jokingly said "wow you can smell it all the way from there?" Not actually thinking my burp had an oder and if it did there was no way he could smell it all the way from where I was standing. 
Next thing I know all the kids are crying out in horror as they scatter away from their classmate who is bent over throwing up all over the carpet... I just stood there for a moment in disbelief. " Was he really throwing up?? Where on earth did the garlic smell come from? No doubt one of the boys next to him..." I thought.
I then sent the other children back to the other room to practice their singing while my helpers (my mom and sister in-law) and I tackled the vomit and got the boy's mom.
We eventually got everything cleaned up and finished up the night. 
As I got in the van and shut the door I burped up some more of my lunch... 

And it smelled like GARLIC... 

I was mortified... I realized the garlic smell that sent that poor boy over the edge was from the garlic sauce I had had with my pizza that afternoon for lunch...
I imagined all the children going home telling their parents "miss ______ burped and made him throw up!" 😬
"What will their parents think of me??" I thought to myself as I drove home. I was torn between laughing about the whole ordeal and cringing at my stupidity! 

I checked up on the boy later texting his mother, asking how he was. She said he was fine, and that some of the boys were just grossing him out burping and everything... I then apologized, telling her it was my fault everyone was burping and relayed everything that had happened that caused him to throw up... To my surprise she thought it was absolutely hilarious! I was so relieved... But, hopefully nothing like that will ever happen again!